Listeria Biofilm Detection & Removal


Are you finding that despite a thorough cleaning regime, you are still getting positive swabs for Listeria and other pathogens? If so, it’s probably caused by the presence of Biofilms. The good news is – we can help detect and eradicate these!

Biofilms are a layer of bacteria or other microbes, that grow on and stick to a variety or surfaces, from floors to production equipment. They grow very fast and are often present in food production areas, including critical areas like floors, drains and conveyor belts. Owing to its structure, the biofilm protects the microorganisms inside from detergents and disinfectants, which is why standard cleaning using “traditional chemistry” (i.e. caustic detergents) does not work and why, despite a regimented daily cleaning process, your Environmental swabs will often come back positive. In a nutshell – standard factory cleaning using caustic chemicals will NEVER kill biofilms and the problem will NEVER go away!


Listeria Monocytogenes

Biofilms of Listeria Monocytogenes on food contact surfaces have been identified as an important pathway for pathogenic persistence and subsequent product contamination, which is why traditional cleaning methods using caustic detergents followed by disinfection do not work; and why Enzyme detergents need to be used because they are capable of breaking the biofilm, allowing subsequent disinfection chemicals to kill the bacteria inside and remove the contamination source altogether. 

“Hot spots” for Biofilms of Listeria monocytogenes are often found in the following locations: 

  • Floors
  • Drains
  • Trolley wheels
  • Conveyor belts
  • CIP systems (e.g. pipes)
  • Complex machinery with lots of alcoves/crevice’s

Our Approach using Biofilm Detection methods and Enzyme Detergent 

By conducting a Biofilm audit at your factory using our BioTector product, we can visually see and identify biofilms in your facility. Once identified, we then use our Enzymatic detergent to successfully remove them and ensure they don’t return. Enzymes detergents are catalysts capable of breaking the biofilm polysaccharide matrix. This matrix is the cover that protects the biofilms from conventional detergents and disinfectants. Once the matrix is broken, the bacteria inside it are unprotected and can be destroyed by the action of a disinfectant.

Benefits of Enzym Technology over traditional chemicals

  • Proven effective at breaking down the biofilm polysaccharide matrix (“Biological Superglue”) and destroying the bacteria inside
  • Non-corrosive to equipment as Ph neutral
  • Environmentally friendly because it has a very low carbon footprint (produced naturally from chemical reaction without heat) and is biodegradable
  • Safer to use for operators because they are far less hazardous
  • No limescale from Enzyme detergent so no need to switch to “acid foam” once a week to reduce limescale. Caustic cleaners create limescale problem.
  • Enzyme detergents stay as a foam and ensure good contact time on surfaces (especially vertical surfaces). Traditional caustic foam doesn’t stay on vertical surfaces and degrades to water fast so contact time and effectiveness is limited

Sites using Enzym Technology

Our Biofilm Detection & Enzyme detergents have been tested and implemented by leading food manufacturers, including Samworth Brothers, Saputo, Cranswick and many more.

    Cost / Quotation / Site Survey

    Before we can provide a quotation we first need to understand the extent of the Biofilm problem you have and what your specific site needs are. As such, we conduct a comprehensive BioTector biofilm detection audit to pinpoint the location of biofilms which may be harbouring food borne pathogens and spoilage organisms in your facility. A tailored biofilm elimination programme which uses cutting edge enzyme surfactant detergent technology is then developed and used to manage biofilm contamination on an ongoing basis.  At this point we can then provide a quotation for the long term cost of using this new Enzyme based technology.


    Additional Information & Questions

    We are here to help so if you have any questions please contact us. There’s no hard sale or pressure – we simply want to answer any questions you have! You can then go back to your team and present the information!




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