Listeria Control and Prevention within Food Factories
Listeria is a huge concern within the food manufacturing industry, because it is notoriously tricky to eradicate in any food factory environment. Listeria is often found on floors, drains, production line equipment and even on the end food product!
Fortunately, Purehold has four innovative Listeria treatment solutions - all are proven to kill Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) and are now successfully used by leading UK manufacturers across various food sectors, from fresh produce to ready to eat meals as additional Listeria control and prevention measures to minimise the risk of any Listeria outbreak in the factory.
If you are getting positive swabs results for Listeria, now is the time to consider trialing one or more of our Listeria treatment solutions!
BIOFILM DETECTION & REMOVALBy conducting a Biofilm audit at your factory using our BioTector products, we can visually see and identify biofilms in your facility. Once identified, we then use our Enzymatic detergent to successfully remove them and ensure they don’t return. Enzymes detergents are catalysts capable of breaking the biofilm polysaccharide matrix. This matrix is the cover that protects the biofilms from conventional detergents and disinfectants. Once the matrix is broken, the bacteria inside it are unprotected and can be destroyed by the action of a disinfectant. |
Our NEMIS Environmental Swabs range, offers cheap & Effective 24 Hour On-Site Swab Testing for Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria spp., Salmonella, and E. coli. With NEMIS, you can test for major foodborne pathogens directly in your facility and get results within just 24 hours. This technology has been verified by Campden BRI, ensuring accuracy, reliability, and compliance with industry standards. NEMIS doesn’t just save you time and money; it also empowers your team to take immediate action to maintain high hygiene standards and mitigate risks. It’s the perfect tool to revolutionize your food safety protocols. |
Our new, Heavy Duty Listeria Disinfectant Wipes (powered by Biochem) won’t rip or tear and are highly effective at killing Listeria due to the non-tainting cleaning and disinfectant agent used. They are Ready to Use, Food Safe, and proven to kill Listeria, Salmonella and E.coli in under 30 seconds and in dirty conditions. They are also Biodegradable and more economical as they clean a larger surface areas compared to lightweight blue cloth. Perfect for use on heavy equipment & conveyor belts!